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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

First Foray

So this is wren's first foray into the blogsphere, at the urging of her Sir. W/we will see how it goes. wren's first post will be about tonight, and her thoughts on it. A few days ago wren broke one of the rules Sir had set down. wren is not allowed to orgasm without permission, and she forgot to ask in the heat of the moment. So, today Sir calls wren and things start out as they normally do, except for one thing. wren had to be completely silent, except when asking for permission. wren found this a bit odd, but she did as she was told. So, after all was said and done, Sir informed wren that the silence was her punishment. Normally, wren wouldn't question the punishment, but this one got her to thinking. The silence wasn't only a punishment for wren, but for Sir as well. Sir has said many times that He loves the sounds His wren makes when she cums, that He gets enjoyment from it. So wren was...confused, by the punishment and a bit sad as well.

So, wren wrote in her journal, and logged back into the MMO her and Sir play together. Sir asked if wren was ok, and when wren said she was confused, Sir called her. W/we talked for a bit, and Sir finally explained why He chose that particular punishment. He said that as much as He wanted to hear wren cum, He felt that wren learning something was more important then Sir getting His enjoyment. And wren did learn something important today. When wren breaks a rule, no matter what the rule is, it doesn't only affect her, it affects Sir as well. wren can't promise that she'll never break another rule, since she is only human, but perhaps it will make her more aware in the future.


  1. Gratz wren!

    It is awesome that you have a Dom who cares enough to punish/discipline you creatively :)

    This is a great blog start - kitten looks forward to reading about your submissive journey!

    Wishing you and your Dom well,

    --kitten for Sir

  2. Welcome to the realm wren, I will to be following your foray with your Sir. My first three reads of your blog were wonderful. kitten and I are very happy for you and Draugluin.
