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Saturday, June 18, 2011

So, wren has a lot of stuff to mull over today. Firstly, they are finally starting to get the Wallow Fire under control, it's 38% contained. Yay! That's the big, nasty fire up in Arizona for those of you who don't know. Wren's also managing to maintain a C average in her math class, which is absolutely amazing, since math and wren do not get along at all. Sir has also set wren the new task of dancing for 10 minutes after she gets home for class. *grin* It's nice to know someone appreciates wren's little spaztastic dances.

For you readers out there, wren has found this amazing writer by the name of Jacqueline Carey. She has wrote the Kushiel's Legacy and Naamah Companion Series. They are soo worth the read. Wren actually came across her a few years ago, but recently picked the books up and started to re-read them. And, because wren still enjoys doing things like watching cartoons and has decided to introduce her Sir to Invader Zim, for your viewing pleasure:


  1. I believe you are never to old for cartoons. Laughter is something we never have enough of

  2. *giggles*

    Age is a state of mind!

    Everything is a state of mind, for example:

    For some, tomorrow is Monday...for kitten, it's FUNday!


    --kitten for Sir
